Battle of Blue Licks

The Pioneer Museum
was completely renovated in 2007

Take a “virtual walk” through the museum with Park Naturalist Paul Tierney. He is standing near  the entrance  where there are  panels and display cases giving an over all description of the area. They range from the prehistoric, to the time of the battle to the springs that gave the area it’s name.


From there the story of the famous battle unfolds starting with this model of the area.


With volunteer help from Raleigh Hatfield and the Engineering Department at Morehead State University, a topographic model of the area from the Licking River to Indian Creek was created which gives visitors a visual perspective of the terrain and vantage points Daniel Boone and those who fought the battle may have had on the morning of Aug. 19, 1782.


Here members of the media cluster around as Tierney points out various places along the Licking River and the battlefield.


Well lit display cases feature artifacts and information on the battle and those that fought in it.


In the “homestead room” most of  the artifacts remain but they now boast full descriptions in a larger, better lit area. These include the loom and the Daniel Boone Salt Kettle.


Giant mastodon and other bones were discovered in the area. Prehistoric animals had come to the licks just as did later buffalo, elk and deer. The salt licks later drew early settlers needing to make salt to preserve their meat.


In the lower level is a “changing exhibit” area. This will not only give the public a chance to see different items every time that they visit it will give the museum a chance to display items that have been archived due to lack of space.


Also on the lower level is an area with a screen and seating for both special presentations and  video viewing.

Photos courtesy of Jim Cummings - Graphic Enterprises. Special thanks to Wendy Mitchell and the Ledger Independent for a portion of this text.


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